Vicky Kaushal and Karan Aujla have finally come together for the highly anticipated party anthem of the year, ‘Tauba Tauba’ from the upcoming film Bad Newz which was unveiled on July 2. The track, which marks Karan Aujla’s entry into Bollywood, features Vicky, along with the film’s leading lady Triptii Dimri, as well as Karan too in an electrifying performance. Vicky Kaushal’s definitely has a surprise in store for his fans who will be thrilled to see him show off his dance moves and swag unlike any of his other tracks, and his collaboration with Karan Aujla is expected to be a musical extravaganza that fans have been eagerly waiting for.
Bad Newz: Vicky Kaushal surprises fans with killer dance moves in ‘Tauba Tauba’ and it will definitely get you grooving
Vicky Kaushal dancing his heart out is definitely going to be a highlight for his fans
Vicky Kaushal is seen setting the stage ablaze with his effortless dance moves and swag in the latest party anthem ‘Tauba Tauba’. The actor, known for his versatility, has donned a never-seen-before avatar and is grooving to the infectious beats of the song. We believe that the song showcases the ‘Punjabi munda’ side of Vicky, which has been rarely explored onscreen. ‘Tauba Tauba’ with its infectious beats and energetic rhythm combined with energetic performance from Vicky is a treat to watch, and the song is sure to become a staple in party clubs and playlists everywhere. The song is now available on the Saregama YouTube channel and audio streaming apps.
About the film
The trailer for “Bad Newz” has already generated buzz, with fans calling it the ultimate entertainer with high-concept comedy. Presented by Amazon Prime in association with Dharma Productions and Leo Media Collective, the movie, also starring Ammy Virk in a key role, is set to hit theatres on July 19, 2024.
More Pages: Bad Newz Box Office Collection
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