The trailer of the family entertainer Binny And Family was launched at a multiplex in Mumbai. It marks the debut of Varun Dhawan’s niece Anjini Dhawan and Varun was the chief guest at this event. They were also joined by actors Pankaj Kapur, Himani Shivpuri, Rajesh Kumar, Charu Shankar and Naman Tripathy, producers Mahaveer Jain and Ekta Kapoor, director Ssanjay Tripaathy and others. As expected, Varun Dhawan stole the show with his funny replies but even Mahaveer Jain made headlines with his statements.
Binny And Family trailer launch: Mahaveer Jain says, “We don’t think of nepotism when we see Aamir Khan”; compares Anjini Dhawan with Alia Bhatt
When asked what made him back Binny And Family, he said, “Firstly, when Ssanjay Tripaathy sir narrated the story, it made a place in my heart. That’s where it all began. Aur phir kahani ke pyaar mein sab log judte gaye.”
He gave a shoutout to Varun, “In today’s times, the nepotism topic often takes centre stage. Yet, he saw the film and said, ‘Yeh film kamaal ki hai. I’ll stand by it’. Anjini has reached this stage on her own. When we met, we had no idea (that she came from a film family).”
To prove his point, the filmmaker said, “I’ll give two examples. We are all fans of Aamir Khan. And this is because his talent is of another calibre altogether. We have seen so many of his films aur unke baare mein nepotism karke hum kabhi nahin sochte hai.”
He continued, “When it comes to actresses, all of them are doing good but one exceptional talent in the last 12 years is Alia Bhatt. I’ll say this with all politeness that Anjini’s talent is of Alia’s calibre!” Anjini Dhawan, as expected, was pleasantly surprised and thanked the producer. Mahaveer Jain then told the mediapersons, “When you see this film, you’ll agree with me.”
He also thanked Ekta Kapoor, “She has shown a huge support to us after watching this film.” He also mentioned several team members and lauded them for their contribution.
Produced by Waveband Productions and Mahaveer Jain Films, Binny And Family releases in cinemas on September 20.
More Pages: Binny And Family Box Office Collection
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