December 8, 2024 mandates generative AI disclosure by creators

Game and asset marketplace has implemented a policy requiring creators to disclose the use of generative AI in their projects. This step follows rising concerns about transparency in digital content creation, particularly with the proliferation of AI-generated assets. The requirement applies specifically to asset packs, with creators needing to classify content through their project dashboards. While some developers have embraced the rule as a means to foster informed decision-making among consumers, others question its scope and the potential challenges of ensuring accurate disclosures.

The platform’s decision aligns with broader industry debates over AI’s role in creative processes. Developers must determine whether tools like AI-based image generators or code assistants substantially contribute to their work. Projects involving significant AI-generated inputs are expected to bear the generative AI label, ensuring buyers and users are aware of the origins of the content they consume. However, creators using AI tools for minor tasks, such as debugging or concept ideation, are generally not subject to the disclosure rule.’s move reflects an evolving landscape where creative industries grapple with the ethical implications of generative AI. Some creators view the policy as a balanced approach, allowing for transparency without outright banning AI contributions. Others have called for greater clarity on definitions and processes, emphasizing the need for fairness in tagging and handling disputes. The platform’s leadership, acknowledging these concerns, has indicated that the rule may expand in scope to include other categories of projects as feedback is gathered and evaluated.

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