JioCinema Premium’s upcoming offering, Khalbali Records is set to be the biggest musical drama of the year, featuring Ram Kapoor, Skand Thakur, Saloni Batra, Salonie Patel, and Punjabi rapper Prabh Deep among others. Moreover, the series will also witness the biggest ensemble of 30-35 musicians, across the industry including renowned artists like Rekha Bharadwaj, Amit Trivedi, Neeti Mohan, Anu Malik, Shahid Mallya Abhijeet Sawant, Nikhita Gandhi, etc.
Nikhita Gandhi and Rekha Bhardwaj express happiness after working on the web-series Khalbali Records
Much-loved Indian playback singer Nikhita Gandhi, the voice behind songs such as, ‘Tere Pyaar Mein’, ‘Raabta’, opened about her cameo in the web-series and said, “Being a part of Khalbali Records is my way of giving back to this most amazing, diverse, eclectic world of music, that creates space for every different note, genre or style that an artist has to offer.”
She continued, “The show is a celebration of music in all its glory, as it shows the inherent struggle of every independent artist to take his passion, his art, and his voice to the larger audience, riding against the gigantic wave of established industry views. This biggest musical drama is a tribute to every independent artist and those who have taken that leap of faith to back and support talent against all odds. It is this power of music that shines through every frame of this epic musical saga as it brings together the biggest industry names.”
Talking about working on the series Rekha Bharadwaj went on to share, “It is a privilege to be associated with Khalbali Records, a groundbreaking musical drama unlike anything we’ve ever seen on the screen. It scratches beyond the surface to reveal the powerful, all-consuming world of music in its entirety – good, bad, and evil. Music isn’t simply a backdrop here; it takes center stage with the drama, emotions, and the narrative all woven around dynamic musical notes. This show is one for posterity.”
Khalbali Records follows the journey of Raghav, a talented music producer working at his father’s prestigious label, Galaxy Records. Determined to create a new record label that values artists, Raghav embarks on a bold journey to build something of his own, battling fierce competition from his family, particularly his ruthless father.
Directed by Devanshu Singh, the series showcases soulful soundtracks produced by ace composer Amit Trivedi, along with unique indie hip-hop tracks by Azadi Records. It will premiere on September 12, exclusively on JioCinema Premium.
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