Sai Pallavi, superstar of the South Film industry, was recently captured being the perfect bridesmaid at her sister, Pooja Kannan’s wedding. After beautifully getting engaged to Vineeth on January 21, 2024, Pooja tied the knot with him in a completely traditional manner, and the glimpses from the wedding went viral on social media in no time. What captured the attention most from the wedding scene was actress, Sai Pallavi carrying out her sisterly duties in a fun way.
Sai Pallavi dances on the song, London Thumakda
The Premam actress, Sai Pallavi, attended the traditional wedding ceremony of her sister, Pooja and Vineeth, in an elegant manner. Not only did she dress in traditional attire, but she also enjoyed the wedding like a true sister. The glimpses from the wedding that are going viral on social media feature happy faces and everyone enjoying the ceremony. However, it was the actress who added energy to the whole event with her beautiful dance.
Earlier, during Pooja and Vineeth’s engagement ceremony, Sai Pallavi was seen dancing her heart out. In a similar fashion, the Athiran actress performed energetically on the song, London Thumakda, from the movie, Queen. She was joined in by her sister, Pooja, and other guests from the wedding. Setting the stage on fire, families of both the sides cheered out loud as the sisters danced their hearts out.
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In another photo that went viral on social media, Sai was seen fulfilling her sisterly duties. Setting an example of how to be a perfect bridesmaid, Sai Pallavi was seen lending a hand to the bride, Pooja Kannan, as she helped her following the rituals.
Sai Pallavi also danced on the Marathi song, Apsara Aali
Sai Pallavi was seen dancing beautifully in another sequence on the Marathi song, Apsara Aali, at the sangeet ceremony held during the pre-wedding festivities. Matching the steps in rhythm, her sister, Pooja, also performed side-by-side to the actress. In the dance video, Sai Pallavi stood out for maintaining simplicity in her fashion choices. In fact, all the guests, including the bride and the groom, preferred classic and traditional outfits instead of going for shine and shimmer. Talking about Sai’s look in the mesmerising dance with the bride, she donned a dreamy peacock-blue kurta teamed up with a white palazzo.
Click here to watch the video.
The other guests present at the event, including Pooja and Vineeth, opted for traditional white sarees and outfits. At the main wedding, Sai looked graceful in an all-white saree, following the Badaga tradition. The actress looked minimal and classic, complementing her outfit with a pearl neckpiece and jasmine flowers. She further accessorised her look with natural makeup and open hair.
Sai Pallavi is set to appear on big screens as she has three projects lined up for the future. Apart from featuring in the film, Amaran, directed by Rajkumar Periasamy, the actress will also star alongside Naga Chaitanya in the film, Thandel. She will also reportedly mark her Bollywood debut with Nitesh Tiwari’s highly awaited film, Ramayan, which also features Ranbir Kapoor as ‘Ram’.
What do you think of Sai Pallavi and Pooja Kannan’s cute bond? Let us know.
Also Read: Sai Pallavi Danced Her Heart Out On Katrina Kaif’s ‘Sheila Ki Jawani’ In An Old Video