December 16, 2024

Saudi Arabia Scales Back Ambitious Neom Project

Arabian Post Special

Neom, a futuristic city project envisioned as a centerpiece of Saudi Arabia’s plan to diversify its economy, has undergone a significant revision. Originally planned to house 1.5 million residents in a high-tech zone called “The Line”, officials now expect a more modest population of 300,000 by 2030.

The Line itself, initially designed to stretch for 170 kilometers along the coast, will only see a 2.4-kilometer section completed by the end of the decade. This change reflects a broader reassessment of the project’s financial feasibility. Delays in approving Neom’s 2024 budget further highlight the government’s budgetary constraints.

However, the project isn’t entirely on hold. Development continues in other areas of Neom, such as Sindalah, an island targeted to become a luxury tourist destination by the end of 2024. Additionally, Trojena, a mountain resort slated to host the 2029 Asian Winter Games, remains on schedule.

This scaling back underscores the challenges of achieving Vision 2030’s ambitious goals. It highlights the tension between rapid modernization and the practicalities of implementing such large-scale projects. The decision to reduce The Line’s scope may be a strategic move to ensure long-term viability rather than facing potential financial strain in the short term. As Saudi Arabia navigates these complexities, the world watches to see how they balance their transformative aspirations with economic realities.

Also published on Medium.