Vikrant Massey’s recently released film, The Sabarmati Report, is making its mark at the box office. The film has surpassed the mark of Rs. 30 crore and continues to shine even after the first 15 days of its release. Amidst the success of The Sabarmati Report, Vikrant Massey was honoured with The Indian Film Personality of the Year Award at the 55th International Film Festival. However, on December 2, 2024, Vikrant took to his Instagram handle and shared a heartfelt note in which he announced his retirement from acting.
Vikrant Massey announces retirement from acting: The Sabarmati Report actor shares a long note on Instagram
Vikrant Massey’s Instagram post in which he announced his retirement is currently doing rounds on social media. The actor posted the note at midnight, and his die-hard fans are waking up to this shocking news on a Monday morning. Talking about the IG post, Vikrant Massey started his IG note by thanking the audience and his massive fanbase for supporting him in his acting journey. The actor admitted that the last few years have been ‘phenomenal’ for him, courtesy of the success and stardom he has achieved with the success of his films.
Further, in the note, Vikrant Massey shared that as he moves forward in his life, he has realised that it’s time to go back home. The actor shared that he wants to recalibrate his roles as a husband, father, son, and actor. Vikrant has two much-awaited films, Yaar Jigri and Aankhon Ki Gustaakhiyan, which are set to be released in 2025. Talking about the same, he admitted that he would meet with the audience ‘one last time’ in 2025 until the right time came to continue what he was doing.
At the end of his shocking Instagram post, Vikrant Massey thanked his supporters again and admitted that he would be ‘forever indebted’ for the way they love him. As soon as the post went live, several Bollywood celebrities and netizens dropped their comments on his IG post. Most people were shocked to see him leaving acting at the peak of his career. Everyone is waiting for him to clarify things more appropriately in his next interview, as there are many questions in the audience’s minds regarding his retirement announcement.
Talking about Vikrant Massey’s personal life, he is married to Sheetal Thakur. The couple registered their marriage on February 14, 2022, and tied the knot in a traditional wedding ceremony on February 18, 2022, in Himachal Pradesh. Vikrant and Sheetal embraced parenthood on February 7, 2024, when the latter gave birth to a baby boy, and they chose the name ‘Vardaan’ for him. We hope the couple continues to live a happy life ahead.
What are your thoughts on Vikrant Massey’s sudden announcement about taking a break from acting? Let us know.
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